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Kearney, J. J., & Perez-Delgado, C. A. (2021). Vulnerability of blockchain technologies to quantum attacks, Array, 10, 100065. 
Added by: Rucknium (5/3/22, 3:12 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 2590-0056
BibTeX citation key: Kearney2021
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Categories: Not Monero-focused
Keywords: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Ethereum, Post-quantum cryptography, Quantum computing
Creators: Kearney, Perez-Delgado
Collection: Array
Views: 101/3348
Attachments   URLs   https://www.scienc ... /S2590005621000138
Quantum computation represents a threat to many cryptographic protocols in operation today. It has been estimated that by 2035, there will exist a quantum computer capable of breaking the vital cryptographic scheme RSA2048. Blockchain technologies rely on cryptographic protocols for many of their essential sub-routines. Some of these protocols, but not all, are open to quantum attacks. Here we analyze the major blockchain-based cryptocurrencies deployed today—including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and ZCash, and determine their risk exposure to quantum attacks. We finish with a comparative analysis of the studied cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technologies and their relative levels of vulnerability to quantum attacks.
Added by: Rucknium  
Includes detailed discussion of Monero.
Added by: Rucknium  Last edited by: Rucknium
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