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koe, Alonso, K. M., & Noether, S. (2020). [i]Zero to Monero: A technical guide to a private digital currency; for beginners, amateurs, and experts Second ed. Second ed. 
Added by: Rucknium (22/02/2022, 16:22)   Last edited by: Rucknium (03/03/2023, 16:51)
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: koe2020
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Alonso, koe, Noether
Views: 79/3195
Attachments   Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf [60/2400], Zero-to-Monero-1-0-0.pdf [52/1356] URLs   Source code, Remote pdf
Cryptography. It may seem like only mathematicians and computer scientists have access to this obscure, esoteric, powerful, elegant topic. In fact, many kinds of cryptography are simple enough that anyone can learn their fundamental concepts. It is common knowledge that cryptography is used to secure communications, whether they be coded letters or private digital interactions. Another application is in so-called cryptocurrencies. These digital moneys use cryptography to assign and transfer ownership of funds. To ensure that no piece of money can be duplicated or created at will, cryptocurrencies usually rely on ‘blockchains’, which are public, distributed ledgers containing records of currency transactions that can be verified by third parties [97]. It might seem at first glance that transactions need to be sent and stored in plain text format to make them publicly verifiable. In fact, it is possible to conceal a transaction’s participants, as well as the amounts involved, using cryptographic tools that nevertheless allow transactions to be verified and agreed upon by observers [136]. This is exemplified in the cryptocurrency Monero. We endeavor here to teach anyone who knows basic algebra and simple com- puter science concepts like the ‘bit representation’ of a number not only how Monero works at a deep and comprehensive level, but also how useful and beautiful cryptography can be. For our experienced readers: Monero is a standard one-dimensional distributed acyclic graph (DAG) cryptocurrency blockchain [97] where transactions are based on elliptic curve cryptography using curve Ed25519 [38], transaction inputs are signed with Schnorr-style multilayered linkable spontaneous anonymous group signatures (MLSAG) [108], and output amounts (communicated to recipients via ECDH [52]) are concealed with Pedersen commitments [88] and proven in a legitimate range with Bulletproofs [43]. Much of the first part of this report is spent explaining these ideas
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