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Dutta, A., & Vijayakumaran, S. 2019, June, MProve: A Proof of Reserves Protocol for Monero Exchanges. Paper presented at 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). 
Added by: Rucknium (18/03/2025, 18:22)   
Resource type: Proceedings Article
DOI: 10.1109/EuroSPW.2019.00043
BibTeX citation key: anon2019
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Categories: Monero-focused
Keywords: -Monero, -proof-of-reserves, cryptocurrency
Creators: Dutta, Vijayakumaran
Collection: 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW)
Views: 111/111
Attachments   dutta2019.pdf [21/21] URLs   Published article, IACR preprint
Theft from cryptocurrency exchanges due to cyberattacks or internal fraud is a major problem. Exchanges can partially alleviate customer concerns by providing periodic proofs of solvency. We describe MProve, a proof of reserves protocol for Monero exchanges which can be combined with a known proof of liabilities protocol to provide a proof of solvency. It is the first protocol for Monero which provides address privacy by allowing an exchange to hide its own addresses within a larger anonymity set. MProve also provides a simple proof of non-collusion between exchanges.
Added by: Rucknium  
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