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Papadoulis, G. (2025). Privacy and auditability in decentralized payment systems. 
Added by: Jack (17/01/2025, 17:25)   Last edited by: Jack (17/01/2025, 17:28)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
BibTeX citation key: Papadoulis2025
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Papadoulis
Views: 51/449
Attachments   final_thesis_translated.cleaned.pdf [11/133], final_thesis.cleaned.pdf [11/135] URLs   https://dspace.lib ... 9/final_thesis.pdf
his thesis is a study of privacy and auditability properties in decentralized pay-ment systems.We propose AQQUA: a digital payment system that combines au-ditability and privacy. AQQUAextends Quisquis, by adding two authorities; onefor registration and one for auditing. These authorities do not intervene in theeveryday transaction processing; as a consequence the decentralized nature of thecryptocurrency is not disturbed. Our construction is account-based. The accountsconsist of an updatable public key which functions as a cryptographically unlinkablepseudonym, and commitments to the balance, the total amount of coins spent andthe total amount of coins received. In order to participate in the system the usercreates an initial account with the registration authority. To protect their privacy,whenever they want to transact they create unlinkable new accounts by updatingtheir public key and the total number of accounts they own (maintained in commit-ted form). Theaudit authority may request an audit at will. The user must provein zero-knowledge that all their accounts are compliant to specific policies. We for-mally define asecurity model for the properties that a private and auditable digitalpayment system should possess and analyze the security of AQQUA in relation toit.
This thesis was originally written in greek but transcribed to english using Google translate.
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