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Slaughter, F., Goodell, B., & Salazar, R. (2024). An Audit of the FCMP++ Addressing Protocol: CARROT. Unpublished manuscript. 
Added by: Rucknium (27/11/2024, 15:39)   
Resource type: Manuscript
BibTeX citation key: Slaughter2024
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Categories: Monero-focused
Subcategories: Full-Chain Membership Proofs
Creators: Goodell, Salazar, Slaughter
Collection: Cypher Stack
Views: 233/1370
Attachments   Carrot-final.pdf [41/325] URLs ... rot-audit/releases
In this document, we audit the framework of CARROT (Cryptonote Address on Rerandomizable-RingCT-Output Transactions). CARROT is an addressing protocol, intended to be compatible with the FCMP++ (Full Chain Membership Protocol + Spend Authorization + Linkability) upgrade that is coming to Monero. The specification document can be found at

This scheme is intended to patch two potential vulnerabilities in the FCMP protocol, namely the burning bug and Janus attack, which we discuss in greater detail in subsequent sections, while still remaining compatible with the current addressing protocol. CARROT introduces new security models intended to give the user more concrete security guarantees, such as a novel key hierarchy, while supporting indistinguishability to another addressing protocol Jamtis.

Added by: Rucknium  Last edited by: Rucknium
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