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MoneroResearch.info |
Resource type: Journal Article DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2024.3449224 BibTeX citation key: Jiang2024 View all bibliographic details |
Categories: Monero-focused Keywords: Blockchains;Task analysis;Reliability;Bitcoin;Resistance;Closed-form solutions;Security;Proof-of-work;blockchain;double-spending attack;profitability;eclipse attack;Sybil attack Creators: Jiang, Zhang Collection: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security |
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Abstract |
We consider the time-restricted double-spendingattack (TR-DSA) on the Proof-of-Work-based blockchain, wherean adversary conducts a DSA within a finite timeframeand simultaneously launches multiple types of attacks on theblockchain. To be specific, the adversary can conduct attacksto isolate some honest miners and cause block propagationdelays among miners to enhance the success probability of theTR-DSA. We first develop the closed-form expression for thesuccess probability of a TR-DSA with the aid of multiple types ofattacks, which is leveraged to develop the closed-form expressionfor the expected profit of a TR-DSA. The numerical analysisreveals that in scenarios where an adversary lacks the majorityof computational power in the blockchain network, it is advisablefor the adversary to refrain from indefinitely conducting a DSA,and moreover, the adversary can repeatedly launch “short-time”TR-DSAs to obtain their maximum expected profit. Notably,by leveraging the closed-form expression for the expected profitof a TR-DSA, the blockchain network designer can reduce theexpected profit of a TR-DSA and therefore significantly mitigatethe risk of TR-DSAs by adjusting system parameters, such as thenumber of blocks required for transaction confirmation, miningreward, and mining cost.