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Goodell, B. (2024). History and state of Monero security analysis. Unpublished manuscript. 
Added by: opal (20/08/2024, 14:44)   
Resource type: Manuscript
BibTeX citation key: Goodell2024
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Goodell
Collection: Cypher Stack
Views: 258/2410
Attachments   history-and-state-of-Monero-security-analysis.pdf [73/601] URLs ... ad/final/final.pdf
Monero is a distributed digital asset whose protocol and implementations are intended to use cryptographic and other techniques to improve privacy and safety. Years of analysis on Monero and other digital asset protocols and implementations have uncovered a variety of techniques that an adversary might use to degrade these properties. This technical note provides an overview of the history of such analysis. Many, but not all, of those methods have since been at least partially mitigated through protocol or implementation changes. While some methods were theoretical or otherwise not particularly effective, other concerning attack and analysis surfaces remain. As the Monero community is discussing new protocol research that fundamentally improves the nature of its privacy goals, focus is particularly given to the impacts of such changes on previous analysis.
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