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MoneroResearch.info |
Hammad, N., & Victor, F. 2024. Monero Traceability Heuristics: Wallet Application Bugs and the Mordinal-P2Pool Perspective. Added by: opal (13/08/2024, 21:44) |
Resource type: Miscellaneous BibTeX citation key: Hammad2024 View all bibliographic details |
Categories: Monero-focused Creators: Hammad, Victor |
Views: 271/2659
2408.05332v1.pdf |
URLs https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.05332 |
Abstract |
Privacy-focused cryptoassets like Monero are inten-tionally difficult to trace. Over the years, several traceabilityheuristics have been proposed, most of which have been renderedineffective with subsequent protocol upgrades. Between 2019and 2023, Monero wallet application bugs “Differ By One” and“10 Block Decoy Bug” have been observed and identified anddiscussed in the Monero community. In addition, a decentralizedmining pool named P2Pool has proliferated, and a controversialUTXO NFT imitation known as Mordinals has been tried forMonero. In this paper, we systematically describe the traceabilityheuristics that have emerged from these developments, andevaluate their quality based on ground truth, and throughpairwise comparisons. We also explore the temporal perspective,and show which of these heuristics have been applicable over thepast years, what fraction of decoys could be eliminated and whatthe remaining effective ring size is. Our findings illustrate thatmost of the heuristics have a high precision, that the “10 BlockDecoy Bug“ and the Coinbase decoy identification heuristicshave had the most impact between 2019 and 2023, and thatthe former could be used to evaluate future heuristics, if theyare also applicable during that time frame.
Added by: Jack Last edited by: Jack |