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Parker, L. (2024). FCMP++. Unpublished manuscript. 
Added by: Rucknium (09/08/2024, 17:45)   
Resource type: Manuscript
BibTeX citation key: Parker2024
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Categories: Monero-focused, Monero-focused
Subcategories: Full-Chain Membership Proofs
Creators: Parker
Views: 259/2475
Attachments   fcmp++.pdf [46/528] URLs ... lop/fcmp%2B%2B.pdf
FCMP++, shortened from FCMP+SA+L, short for Full-Chain Membership Proofs + Spend Authorization + Linkability, are an accomplishment of full-set privacy over the existing RingCT protocol used within Monero. This document serves as a specification and implementation reference.
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