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Feickert, A. (2024). Generalized Bulletproofs. Unpublished manuscript. 
Added by: Rucknium (09/08/2024, 17:39)   Last edited by: Rucknium (09/08/2024, 17:41)
Resource type: Manuscript
BibTeX citation key: Feickert2024a
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Categories: Monero-focused, Monero-focused
Subcategories: Full-Chain Membership Proofs
Creators: Feickert
Collection: Cypher Stack
Views: 265/2439
Attachments   gbp-security-proof.pdf [57/487] URLs ... releases/tag/final
This report describes the Generalized Bulletproofs construction and provides a relevant security proof. As with any such report, it may contain errors and cannot guarantee correctness or security. Further, it cannot guarantee that any particular implementation of the construction is correct, secure, or suitable for
intended use cases.
The author asserts no warranty and disclaims liability for its use. The author further expresses no endorsement of any kind. This report has not undergone any further formal or peer review.
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