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Moreno-Sánchez, P., Blue, A., Le, D. V., Noether, S., Goodell, B., & Kate, A. 2020, DLSAG: Non-interactive Refund Transactions for Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security. 
Added by: Jack (1/17/23, 11:57 PM)   Last edited by: Jack (1/18/23, 12:01 AM)
Resource type: Proceedings Article
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-3-030-51280-4
BibTeX citation key: 2020
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Blue, Bonneau, Goodell, Heninger, Kate, Le, Moreno-Sánchez, Noether
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Collection: Financial Cryptography and Data Security
Views: 99/2164
Attachments   DLSAG.pdf [32/666] URLs   https://link.sprin ... 8-3-030-51280-4_18
Monero has emerged as one of the leading cryptocurrencies with privacy by design. However, this comes at the price of reduced expressiveness and interoperability as well as severe scalability issues. First, Monero is restricted to coin exchanges among individual addresses and no further functionality is supported. Second, transactions are authorized by linkable ring signatures, a digital signature scheme used in Monero, hindering thereby the interoperability with virtually all the rest of cryptocurrencies that support different digital signature schemes. Third, Monero transactions require an on-chain footprint larger than other cryptocurrencies, leading to a rapid ledger growth and thus scalability issues.
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