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Macias, & Siabi, Y. E. Security analysis of monero’s peer-to-peer system. 
Added by: Jack (2023-01-08 03:00)   Last edited by: Jack (2023-01-08 14:45)
Resource type: Unpublished Work
BibTeX citation key: Macias
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Macias, Siabi
Views: 55/1523
Attachments   Hu-Macias-Jachymiak-Siabi-Monero.pdf [29/674] URLs   https://courses.cs ... k-Siabi-Monero.pdf
This paper was an MIT school project and describes the Monero P2P network in detail pertaining to the inter-networking between nodes. It also researches Monero's exposure to an "eclipse" attack where an attacker fully populates a victim nodes peer-table with malicious nodes, essentially cutting it off from the rest of the network.

The paper concluded "We largely found that Monero adequately implements several countermeasures to eclipse-attacks."

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