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Noether, S., & Goodell, B. (2018). Dual Linkable Ring Signatures. Unpublished manuscript. 
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Resource type: Manuscript
BibTeX citation key: Noether2018a
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Goodell, Noether
Collection: Monero Research Lab
Views: 32/2560
Attachments   MRL-0008.pdf [9/756] URLs   https://www.getmon ... /pubs/MRL-0008.pdf
This bulletin describes a modification to Monero's linkable ring signature scheme that permits dual-key outputs as ring members. Key images are tied to both output one-time public keys in a dual, preventing both keys in that transaction from being spent separately. This method has applications to non-interactive refund transactions. We discuss the security implications of the scheme.
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