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Goodell, B., Noether, S., & Blue, A. (2019). Concise Linkable Ring Signatures and Forgery Against Adversarial Keys, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2019/654. 
Added by: Jack (01/04/2022, 18:41)   Last edited by: Jack (20/01/2023, 17:53)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Goodell2019
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Blue, Goodell, Noether
Collection: Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2019/654
Views: 112/2798
Attachments   CLSAG.pdf [20/749] URLs
We demonstrate that a version of non-slanderability is a natural definition of unforgeability for linkable ring signatures. We present a linkable ring signature construction with concise signatures and multi-dimensional keys that is linkably anonymous if a variation of the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem with random oracles is hard, linkable if key aggregation is a one-way function, and non-slanderable if a one-more variation of the discrete logarithm problem is hard. We remark on some applications in signer-ambiguous confidential transaction models without trusted setup.
Added by: Jack  
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