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Lin, H., & Wang, M. (2022). Repudiable ring signature: Stronger security and logarithmic-size, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 80, 103562. 
Added by: Rucknium (24/02/2022, 18:04)   
Resource type: Journal Article
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0920-5489
BibTeX citation key: Lin2022a
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Categories: Monero-focused
Keywords: Blockchain, Repudiable Ring Signature, Ring Signature
Creators: Lin, Wang
Collection: Computer Standards & Interfaces
Views: 60/2052
Attachments   S092054892100057X.pdf [19/1041] URLs   https://www.scienc ... /S092054892100057X
Ring signature, introduced by Rivest et al. [Asiacrypt’01], allows a person to sign a document on behalf of an ad-hoc group (or ring) while hiding the identity of the actual signer. But the anonymity provided by the ring signature scheme can be used to conceal a malicious signer and put other ring members under suspicion. Fortunately, Park et al. [Crypto’19] proposed a repudiable ring signature scheme which can overcome this disadvantage. However, the construction of Park et al. [Crypto’19] is not compact, in other word, the size of signatures and repudiations in their scheme increases with the square of the ring size. In this paper, we propose the first logarithmic-size repudiable ring signature scheme, which means the size of signatures and repudiations grows only logarithmically in the ring size. Moreover, in terms of security model, we present a new requirement (repudiation-unforgeability), which requires ‘no one can forge a valid repudiation’. Our scheme is the first repudiable ring signature scheme satisfies this new requirement.
Added by: Rucknium  
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