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Feickert, A. 2024. Bulletproofs++ review. Cypher Stack. [Peer review]  
Added by: Rucknium (05/04/2024, 22:00)   
Resource type: Unpublished Work
BibTeX citation key: Feickert2024
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Feickert
Publisher: Cypher Stack
Views: 244/1495
Attachments   Cypher-Stack-Bulletproofs-plus-plus-review.pdf [42/278] URLs ... releases/tag/final, https://ccs.getmon ... p-peer-review.html
This report describes the findings of a review of the Bulletproofs++ IACR preprint. It reflects a limited scope and represents a best effort; as with any review, it cannot guarantee correctness or security, or that the preprint is otherwise free of errors. Further, it cannot guarantee that any particular implementation of the Bulletproofs++ protocols is correct, secure, or suitable for intended use cases. The author asserts no warranty and disclaims liability for its use. The author further expresses no endorsement of any kind. This report has not undergone any further formal or peer review.
This is a peer review of Eagen et al. (2022) "Bulletproofs++: Next Generation Confidential Transactions via Reciprocal Set Membership Arguments"

The peer review was funded by Monero's Community Crowdfunding System:
Added by: Rucknium  Last edited by: Rucknium
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