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Buccafurri, F., De Angelis, V., & Lazzaro, S. 2023, May 25–26, A Traffic-Analysis Proof Solution to Allow K-Anonymous Payments in Pseudonymous Blockchains. Unpublished paper presented at 5th Distributed Ledger Technology Workshop. 
Added by: Rucknium (05/01/2024, 20:51)   
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Buccafurri2023
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Buccafurri, De Angelis, Lazzaro
Collection: 5th Distributed Ledger Technology Workshop
Views: 161/2269
Attachments   DLT_2023_paper_5136.pdf [27/360] URLs   https://dltgroup.d ... /dlt2023.html#prog
Pseudonimity in blockchain often misses the goal of effectively hiding the actual identity of users. Also anonymous blockchains such as Monero and ZCash can be de-anonymized through network traffic analysis. In this work, we present a solution to achieve 𝑘-anonymity guarantees (resisting traffic analysis attacks) in pseudonymous blockchains. The idea underlying our solution is to organize users in rings of cover transactions, through which users indistinguishably exchange actual data or random noise and the initiator is hidden within the ring. Importantly, this mechanism does not require off-chain communication.
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