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Noether, S. Understanding ge fromfe frombytes vartime. 
Added by: Jack (2023-03-28 21:24)   Last edited by: Jack (2023-03-28 21:26)
Resource type: Unpublished Work
BibTeX citation key: Noether
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Noether
Views: 181/2613
Attachments   ge_fromfe.pdf [29/539] URLs   https://web.getmon ... pubs/ge_fromfe.pdf
In this short note, I discuss the function ge-fromfe-frombytes-vartime which Monero uses for it's Key-images. Note that this code is inherited from the the original CryptoNote developers, who although seemingly competent at cryptography, have a deciency when it comes to ex- plaining or commenting their work. Note that I have already replaced the majority of Monero's cryptographic library last summer with Bern- stein's "ref10" implementation of ed25519
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