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Gugger, J. 2020. Bitcoin-Monero Cross-chain Atomic Swap. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2020/1126]. 
Added by: Jack (17/01/2023, 23:57)   Last edited by: Jack (20/01/2023, 18:09)
Resource type: Miscellaneous
BibTeX citation key: Gugger2020
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Categories: Monero-focused
Creators: Gugger
Views: 71/2098
Attachments   2020-1126.pdf [22/602] URLs
In blockchains where hashed timelock contracts are possible atomic swaps are already deployed, but when one of the blockchains doesn't have this capability it becomes a challenge. This protocol describes how to achieve atomic swaps between Bitcoin and Monero with two transactions per chain without trusting any central authority, servers, nor the other swap participant. We propose a swap between two participants, one holding bitcoin and the other monero, in which when both follow the protocol their funds are not at risk at any moment. The protocol does not require timelocks on the Monero side nor script capabilities but does require two proofs of knowledge of equal discrete logarithm across  the edward25519 and the secp256k1 groups and ECDSA one-time VES.
Added by: Jack  
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