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Collection:  Financial Cryptography and Data Security
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Bonneau, J. 2019, Hostile blockchain takeovers (short paper). Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.  
Last edited by: endor 2022-04-17 22:47
Cao, T., Yu, J., Decouchant, J., Luo, X., & Verissimo, P. 2020, Exploring the monero peer-to-peer network. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.  
Added by: Rucknium 2022-12-13 18:56
Chepurnoy, A., Kharin, V., & Meshkov, D. 2019, A systematic approach to cryptocurrency fees. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.  
Added by: endor 2022-04-17 22:41
Hinteregger, A., & Haslhofer, B. 2019, Short paper: An empirical analysis of monero cross-chain traceability. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.  
Added by: Rucknium 2022-09-10 20:11
Moreno-Sánchez, P., Blue, A., Le, D. V., Noether, S., Goodell, B., & Kate, A. 2020, Dlsag: Non-interactive refund transactions for interoperable payment channels in monero. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.  
Last edited by: Jack 2023-01-18 00:01
Yu, Z., Au, M. H., Yu, J., Yang, R., Xu, Q., & Lau, W. F. 2019, New empirical traceability analysis of cryptonote-style blockchains. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.  
Added by: Rucknium 2022-07-02 21:18
WIKINDX 6.5.0 | Total resources: 215 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)